Transportation Statistics reports that 6.3 million vehicular
accidents occur on US roadways each year. It is approximated
that roughly 3 million people are injured in those accidents,
about one person every other accident, a staggering
number which is only compounded when we account
for injuries resulting from non-vehicular accidents.

uninsured. In fact, national reports indicate that there are
46.5 million Americans without access to health insurance.
These numbers only continue to rise - the ranks of the
uninsured increased by 2.1 million between 2005 and 2006 alone.

accident-related injury but lack the money or health
insurance to cover the cost of your much needed care? Even
though your accident-related injuries were caused by the
negligence of another, defendants and their insurance
companies are not known to regularly forward monies to
injured plaintiffs prior to settlement. The sad result: many
injured persons are forced to delay or suffer without the
healthcare they desperately require.

hospital asked to provide care to a prospective patient who
is uninsured and unfunded? Healthcare providers are
frequently asked to render their services with only the
security of a lien or an attorney's letter of protection. Both of
which, however, require the healthcare providers to wait an
extended amount of time for payment while assuming the
significant risk that payment may never materialize. The
burden is heavy, especially when the medical care required
is complicated and expensive.

seeking recompense for their accident-related injuries. With
no guarantees, it is not unusual for litigation in such claims
to take months, if not years. This can be an agonizing
duration, especially for individuals awaiting the outcome a
legal case before being able to pursue medical care. Though
the decisions of our legal system may be just in the end, they
are hardly expeditious.

be confusing and complex for everyone involved, from
medical providers and patients to legal representatives.
Enter MedFinManager with our unique key to unlocking this
intricate puzzle.